About Next Gen Action
About Next Gen Action
We’re looking for passionate young leaders (ages 13-24) in Washington, DC to join Next Gen Action: DC Youth Empowered Against Tobacco & Vaping in collaboration with DC Health.
Participants will learn about Big Tobacco and vaping, and how these industries intersect with important issues like social justice, mental health, and the environment.
By Joining NextGen Action, you’ll become part of a city-wide network of young leaders, activists, and experts in public health and community organizing. Together, we will become powerful agents of change, ready to spread the truth, mobilize our peers, and take action for a healthier, smoke-free DC.
This is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a growing movement, and more importantly, leave a lasting impact on your campus and in your community.
Are you ready? Scroll to start your application.
*If you’re an adult who works with youth or a community-based organization in the District and want to get involved in this program, please reach out to us at NextGenDC@TruthInitiative.org.
So far, together we've:
So far, together we've:
Engaged 400+ people at DC Pride
Held events at 3 DC Universities
Engaged 5+ Community Based Organizations with trainings on tobacco and activism
Engaged 15+ DC Middle & High schools with the Vaping, Know the truth Curriculum
What you’ll do:
Throughout the year, you’ll join events, engage with our community leaders, and have the chance to lead your own initiatives with our support.
There also may be the chance to join us as a paid Community Leader. Through all of this, you will:
- Begin your activism journey
- Learn the history of Big Tobacco and how it affects you and your community
- Learn specifically about DC tobacco policies
- Build personal and professional leadership skills that will help you navigate school and beyond
- Meet and network with other youth and young adults from across the District
- Learn more about the truth campaign and programs and the many opportunities to stay involved.
Applicants must be:
- Interested in learning about Big Tobacco and how it intersects with mental health, social justice and the environment.
- Between 13-24 years of age
- Residents of Washington, DC and/or attend a school or university in Washington, DC
- Willing to travel to locations throughout the city for events and other projects (food and other relevant costs will be covered)