One year ago, the world watched as Rebekkah bravely shared her story of opioid addiction with us. She’s fought hard these past 365 days, and we couldn’t be more proud, overjoyed, and inspired to be celebrating one year since her journey toward long-term recovery began. All it takes is one “yes” to begin your own recovery journey. If you or someone you care about is ready to take that step, here are some places to get started.

Rebekkah’s Story 

When Rebekkah was 14, she blew out her ankle during cheerleading practice and was prescribed opioid painkiller pills.

Instead of getting better, she quickly found herself addicted to powerful opioids and eventually turned to heroin. She’s not alone: 80% of heroin users started with a prescription painkiller.

She had been an accomplished dancer and athlete, and that was lost when her addiction took over her life and self-image. Now Rebekkah is regaining control of both—courageously making her detox public in order to help other people while she works towards a new start.