
Nicotine in vapes can weaken the immune system.

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Source 1:

Chaturvedi, P., Mishra, A., Datta, S., Sinukumar, S., Joshi, P., & Garg, A. (2015). Harmful effects of nicotine. Indian Journal Of Medical And Paediatric Oncology, 36(1), 24.


Source 2:

Clapp, P., Pawlak, E., Lackey, J., Keating, J., Reeber, S., Glish, G., & Jaspers, I. (2017). Flavored e-cigarette liquids and cinnamaldehyde impair respiratory innate immune cell function. American Journal Of Physiology-Lung Cellular And Molecular Physiology, 313(2), L278-L292.


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